Sunday, November 21, 2010

Phew a *BREAK*?

Well, the last month has been incredibly tough. Classes are crammed into one main subject of 'structure and function' which is a combo of histology, physiology, neurobiology, anatomy (with a lab) and some clinical correlations. It is a ton of information which requires a ton of study time, so far i'm doing fine but i have definitely been putting a lot of time into studying, and i even still think i can study 'smarter not harder'....
The good thing is thanksigiving break is starting up and there will be some time to relax and not think about the vet med world but i'm sure i still will do some studying. i'm just a big nerd that way....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What an interesting week...

First of all, we had some presentations about handling debt and money and our finances. All very interesting and somewhat depressing, and of course, the presenter was directing the conversation to the 20-somethings because he kept saying we would have 40 years minimum of practice ahead of us. I'm sure the other over 30's and I were scoffing. We used to work. we used to make ok money, and now we're here spending that hard earned money. I know it is a choice and I'm supremely happy I have this chance to do this, but the financial part is going to be hard on my husband and I...It's just a reality check I hope soaked into the 20-something's brains cuz I think about it quite a bit.

Other stuff that was discussed during colloquium and during my Surgical Skills rotation was discussing a pet's death with clients, and being empathetic. I am really going to need a lot of practice with this....not that I am not empathetic, but sometimes it is hard for me to actively *be* empathetic and console another person. I hate using cliche's and for some reason at those moments, those cliche's are all I can think of to say. ugh. More practice is needed for me in that arena....

The Surgical Skills rotation was great! it was all very well organized and taught us pertinent skills we will use forever...suturing, instrument identification, surgery prep for the patient and us as surgeons, even some large animal procedures with simulated models for things like castration and dehorning. I feel safe saying I hope to never have to dehorn anybody...

On the personal front-I have made some great friends, there are some truly unique and fun individuals I am excited about spending the next 4 years with and knowing the rest of my life. We have been having weekly dinners out, which, are getting pricey-and with all that financial talk, that money can probably be put to better use, so we may change those dinner out nights to potlucks where we bring food......we'll see.
Also, It will be my 8th wedding anniversary on Monday the 20th. Since it's on a monday, we decided to celebrate it this weekend instead, so we spent a lovely day in my great college town and had a lovely dinner at a local fancy italian place and ended the night at a place that was my husbands favorite bar here in the mid 90's. Who knew 8 years ago we'd be where we living my dream but us unfortunately having to live apart. gah. We have been seeing each other regularly on weekends, but it ain't easy.

Things I am looking forward to this week: a dental on a tiger via the dental club, an acupuncture wet lab via the Integrative medicine club, a lunch presentation by Heifer International (serving veggie food!) and my small animal internal medicine rotation! exciting stuff!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

almost end of week 3

It's funny, my classmates and I keep referring to 'when we start school'...meaning, when we begin the didactic portion of school. These first 8 weeks are all following 4th years on clinical rotations, so, the outside of clinics work is minimal and therefore, doesn't feel like 'school' yet....But it is fun and I am learning a lot.

Some things I have learned:
Horses get LOTS OF HEALTH PROBLEMS. it's not just their feet and their crazy a** digestive systems, it's their eyes too! One of our horse patients got melting ulcers and surgical implants in his eyes of a cyclosporin impant! neat-O, huh?

Eyes are fascinating. Some people choose to get prosthetic eyeballs for their blind pets because it's less disturbing to have them than eyelids sewn shut. eyoo.

Most of the people in my class are extremely friendly and I believe, generally excited to be in vet school. And nobody seems to mind or notice that I'M OLD. (though I hear there are older people than me in my class...)

4th year vet students don't get much rest.

I am ending an equine rotation this week, it has been a LOT of rounding and some learning about general anatomy and doing physical exams and lameness checks, but overall, am looking forward to next week....Surgical Skills!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

ooooh followers!

So I have some followers now and in order to keep them interested, I must update the blog!

Well, today is day 3 of vet school and I smell like pigs. My farm animal husbandry techniques rotation has been taking us to different farms daily, and today was a pig 'farm'. We restrained, drew blood on the pigs and swabbed their noses. yesterday we did physical exams on horses at a barn...monday we did PEs on goats at a small goat dairy. Tomorrow, dairy cattle; friday, beef cattle. Exciting stuff, every week for the next 8 weeks will be something new, then lecture and lab for the rest of the year. I am very pleased with this new curriculum so far at my school because we get to be involved right away.

On the personal front, I was *going* to go to the gym until I realized I forgot my yoga mat in my apartment in Chicago. oh well. I can't exactly run up there and get it in time....

I still am struggling with being away from my husband, but I suppose we will have to get used to it unless a plan B transpires.

off to wash off the pig smell.....

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My first 8 weeks are scheduled-

here are my clinical rotations. yeee-ikes.
Farm animal husbandry
Equine Medicine and Surgery
Surgical Skills
Small animal internal medicine
One Health
Wildlife & Exotic animal med and surgery
sounds exciting, no?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

first night alone in vet school...

So J just left and I am here in my vet school apartment listening to the extremely loud cicadas screeching outside reminding me of how far away from the city I am now. It's been a whirlwind last couple of days, checking in for IDs, acquiring software, checking into new apt, moving into new apartment, realizing all the stuff I still NEED for new apartment...getting a closer tour of the campus, meeting my big sib, etc. OH-and, the bar crawl last night. You know...I was somewhat dreading it, but it was SUPER FUN. I met some extremely nice and friendly people and it made me feel better about my choice to come to vet school.
Tomorrow we have a day of bonding activities at some park in the woods-and then yet MORE BOOZE at a happy hour. There is a lot of drinking that happens in this town...

J will be returning already on saturday to spend the weekend with me..but I miss him already (it hasn't even been an hour yet). of course. I know it will get easier but right now it stinks.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Spay Day Fun!

T-minus 20 days to move to vet school apartment. YEEIKES. I am not yet mentally prepared as I think I'm still in denial it is actually happening.

My last day at my clinic job was last Sunday, so what did I spend my first free Sunday in months doing? Volunteering at a feline spay/neuter clinic, of course! fun times. It was a great time for a great cause...everyone was a volunteer at every level of experience, from vets doing the surgeries, all years of vet students assisting in prep and post-op, vet techs, assistants and pre-vets. And especially the feral cat trap and release people-not medics but fully prepared to help in all aspects. We all helped in getting 90 cats spayed and neutered, and it worked like a well oiled machine; prep-stations, 4 spays going on at once in the surgery suite, neuter stations, post-op recovery teams and cage-organizers. I was glad to be utilized as a soon-to-be vet student, and they treated me as such. Just when I was having some slight doubts about my abilities, this clinic gave me confidence again. I was also glad to meet and talk to some of the upperclassmen (women) at my school and they were very nice.

So, that was super fun. Next in week is my last week as an animal research tech. I am glad to say goodbye to that and hello to all clinical all the time.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Picked my place

So yesterday, J and I drove down to my new school town and picked out where I will be residing for the next 2 semesters (things may change after that). It is literally a 10 minute walk through a FOREST to the main vet med building. Kinda ridiculous in its convenience, actually. It will be interesting to see how it is in January, though, I may need some snow shoes or cross-country skiis. Or a mule

The apartment itself was very no-frills. Gray vinyl floors, cinder block walls, small-ish windows. eh. It's utilitarianism at its best. It is where many graduate students live, though, and in that regard, seems like it will be nice. It is also not terribly far from a food co-op and other downtowny things I may be able to bicycle to.

However, reality struck me when I realized I'll be living there alone, no husband, no cats. I know it sounds crazy to even consider living somewhere where they don't even allow pets, for a veterinary student! But-I'm hoping the convenience of it pays off.

At least it was a beautiful warm day. I've NEVER been down there when it was so nice out. Kids everywhere, in flip flops and even bikinis, enjoying life as students. We even got to toss the frisbee around!

Friday, March 26, 2010

veterinarians explained.......

I found this and thought it was interesting. If anyone is unclear about what veterinarians do and how one even gets to the point of being a veterinarian-here it is stated clearly:

This is particularly awesome for me:

"Employment change. Employment of veterinarians is expected to increase 33 percent over the 2008–18 decade, much faster than the average for all occupations. Veterinarians usually practice in animal hospitals or clinics and care primarily for small pets. Recent trends indicate particularly strong interest in cats as pets. Faster growth of the cat population is expected to increase the demand for feline medicine and veterinary services, while demand for veterinary care for dogs should continue to grow at a more modest pace."


I will be posting at some point about my road to this point, most of my family and friends know it, but if there are people who don't know me out there reading this-you may find it interesting!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday to my mom-it was yesterday, the 12th...but still. Feliz Cumpleanos!
Celebrated my acceptance with huzby and friends last night with margaritas, and am still feeling elated about the whole thing. Now to concentrate on my current studies-this Animal Nutrition class is not going to take itself!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It finally happened.....

I can't believe it. After so many years of classes, volunteering, new jobs and waiting.....I got into veterinary school in my home state. I *almost* even considered going to the Caribbean! But here I am.....late 30 something...and about to embark upon 4 years of intense study, penniless-ness, time apart from my husband and possibly cats...and I'm scared, but so excited too. This is what I wanted....right? Right??