So yesterday, J and I drove down to my new school town and picked out where I will be residing for the next 2 semesters (things may change after that). It is literally a 10 minute walk through a FOREST to the main vet med building. Kinda ridiculous in its convenience, actually. It will be interesting to see how it is in January, though, I may need some snow shoes or cross-country skiis. Or a mule
The apartment itself was very no-frills. Gray vinyl floors, cinder block walls, small-ish windows. eh. It's utilitarianism at its best. It is where many graduate students live, though, and in that regard, seems like it will be nice. It is also not terribly far from a food co-op and other downtowny things I may be able to bicycle to.
However, reality struck me when I realized I'll be living there alone, no husband, no cats. I know it sounds crazy to even consider living somewhere where they don't even allow pets, for a veterinary student! But-I'm hoping the convenience of it pays off.
At least it was a beautiful warm day. I've NEVER been down there when it was so nice out. Kids everywhere, in flip flops and even bikinis, enjoying life as students. We even got to toss the frisbee around!